Harnassing the Power of Grip Pressure
The Smart Swing golf grip pressure analyzer is a cutting-edge device designed to revolutionize the way golfers assess and improve their grip technique. Utilizing advanced sensor technology, this device seamlessly attaches to the golf club handle and instantly measures the golfer's grip pressure throughout their swing.
The Mystery of Grip Pressure
Up until this point, it's been impossible for golfers to accurately measure their grip pressure during a swing. Grip pressure is not something that can be visually assessed, and even when working with experienced coaches, there's nothing they can really do to understand your grip. In general, your grip pressure greatly effects the power and accuracy during your shot, and if it is not even throughout the entire swing, it could really hinder your performance on the course or the driving range.

The Smart Swing™ Solution
Smart Swing's technology provides players with never before available data on their grip pressure throughout the swing. With our mobile app that registers your grip in real-time, you could bring the Smart Swing with you on the course and get instant feedback on your grip consistency. The Smart Swing slides onto just about any club and is travel sized, meaning you could bring it anywhere you golf.

Introduction to GPI
Smart Swing uses Grip Pressure Indicator (GPI) to illustrate grip pressure in numerical form for the first time ever. This takes a formerly ambiguous subject matter and makes it easy to understand and look for in training.
How Smart Swing Can Enhance Your Game
Thousands of Data Points
Analyze your swing like never before with thousands of data points throughout every swing, allowing you evaluate every detail in real-time.
Supporting Metrics
In addition to grip pressure, Smart Swing also measures other related metrics including hand speed, whip speed, tempo, face angle, and more.
Be Coached Virtually
Smart Swing’s ability to capture real-time data from your swing gives your coach the ability to see your GPI virtually, allowing you to seek help on the go.

What PGA Coaches are Saying
Many PGA coaches are adapting the Smart Swing and bringing it to their students because they understand the power of this game-changing technology. Don't take our word for it; listen to Rick Smith, the former coach of Jack Nicklaus & Phil Mickelson
Smart Swing
By providing real-time feedback and data analysis, the analyzer helps golfers understand the nuances of their grip pressure and its impact on their shots. Whether it's a too-tight grip leading to decreased distance or a too-loose grip causing inconsistency, the Smart Swing Analyzer empowers golfers to make immediate adjustments and optimize their grip for better performance.
Ready to Improve Your Game?
You can purchase your Smart Swing grip pressure analyzer at the link below.